Vote free or die hard

I have to vote tomorrow. I still don’t know who for.
I think of myself as a conservative, but mostly because I like fiscal responsibility. None of the parties really seem to be showing that. The Conservatives have been in power for 37 years in this province. Part of me likes a good tradition, but they are acting like they are destined to run the place. Which is a pity, because Ed does look like he could make a good premier.
I just wish he would raise the royalty rate.
In my riding the Liberals came close to winning last election. So if I was just interested in not having a Conservative win my riding, it is clear I should vote for the Liberals. But they haven’t done anything to inspire me. I usually like voting Green. It makes me feel good, and they have described themselves as fiscally responsible.
NDP are off the table. I don’t trust them to run the government. I am still glad they exist because their presence allows for minority governments.
In the end, it really doesn’t matter. The Conservatives always win in Alberta.
In the election for the “Leader of the Free World”, for which I do not have a say, I usually like the Democrats. But they’ve been sparring against each other for so long that they are both beginning to look bad. I used to like Hilary, because she had experience, but then they are both saying they don’t like NAFTA. McCain does seem like he would be a good leader. But the Republicans are not the party of business, but of the religious, and I support the separation of church and state.