There is a reason the artists are starving

I walked along Whyte Avenue to go get my hair cut. The way was blocked, however, by the annual Art Walk.
Since I had to pass a lot of art, I’ve come to a few conclusions. Foremost is that most of the artists can’t draw. Sometimes you can see a bit of evidence that they could if they wanted, but they usually mess it up by being “artistic”.
Sad, really.
If I’m going to buy art, I want concrete evidence that the artist had a vision in mind when they made it. (This is also my opinion of movies.) Splotches of color don’t cut it.
And then, if they can actually draw, what they drew is boring. Naked women lounging around; You would think that would be something, but if they aren’t doing anything, or don’t look like they had an interesting past, then it is a waste of my time. And easily mistaken as porn; Which you don’t want to hang on your wall if there is a chance your mother will visit.
Finally, I found someone who did have good art. They had an idea in their head, and they expertly put it on canvas. Plus, something is happening in each of their pictures. Since I’ve found their website and can see their titles, they just got cooler.
Unfortunately, the artist is the son of a good friend, so I can’t claim to be completely unbiased. In my defense, I didn’t realize I knew him until after my eye was caught by the art.