One week

The Death Race is in about a week now. I’m still worried that I won’t make it, which is understandable.
Did I train enough?
That is the big question. I’m in a dangerous area right now. I’ve heard that any training you do less than two weeks before a race isn’t going to help. Is that really true?
I had been planning to do some hill training yesterday. But a litany of excuses came to me: It’s too hot out. I’m still recovering from the mountain climb. I might injure myself close to the big race.
I don’t want to.

The race details has the following information:

Results are then given directly to the central timing database and will be uploaded to our website and available for near instant viewing either on-line or posted regularly at our downtown race results station as relay stations close and results come in.

This means that people will be able to check on my progress as I’m running. I’m trying to find the actual place you can do it. I think this is it, but I’m not sure.

176 hours to go.