First day in Montréal

Well, this day we learned some surprising facts about Montréal. For example, the average Montréaler takes street lights as more of a suggestion than a good idea. If you think the pedestrians are brazen, they have nothing on the pigeons. Very pushy birds here. In walking around I passed a surprising number of Le Château. It is disturbingly easy to get clubwear in this city. I saw the best dressed homeless person ever. Cathedrals are (literally?) littering the place. Chugging a homemade martini will make you light headed and warm in the stomach.
I had a native poutine today. It was a late lunch. It filled a void, but I wouldn’t make it a regular habit to eat. Which makes it ironic that it was also my next meal at 2:30 in the morning. In my defense, I was getting lethargic and several friends were going for some. I was buying one for a lovely American woman (a friend I had made in Jamaica) and while I wasn’t looking she ordered extra cheese curds on mine as well. There is no way I can finish this. A few bites did perk me up though.
There was an afterparty I could have gone to. I gave it a pass. I probably shouldn’t have but I will list the excuses I have come up with. 1) The nice girl I was mutually flirting with had a ring on her finger. 2) It looked like the group would be consisting of single men and couples. 3) Not all could fit in the cab. 4) I really should get some sleep.
I should try for a European time zone, not Asian.