
This morning was beautifully clear. It would have been a great day to go to Mount Titlis. But instead we hit the road. It was two people’s birthdays. They played two birthday songs. One was the standard song. The other was, surprisingly, the Arrogant Worms. It gave me a craving to hear them. So for the first time in two weeks I listened to my iPod. Not just a picture repository anymore.
We stopped in Liechtenstein. Apparently the place is famous for stamps. They do look nice. So I bought a postcard and a stamp and sent it off.
This afternoon we went white water rafting. Unfortunately you can’t take pictures because they have a staff photographer who will do it for you and then charge you money for the privilege. I am a sucker so I got them. Now I have to keep them safe until I can get someone to scan them.
The rafting was in the Inn river, a glacial river. So a bit cold. But our raft was “Team Canada”. With a few honorary members from South Africa and the states. It is common for someone to fall in. I never did except on purpose. Maybe I was showing off?
I did tire myself. When I woke up this morning my muscles were aching. And the pillow I had was too soft. No support. They did not appreciate being made to paddle hard. Especially when the women in the raft were barely paddling.
I’ll feel it tomorrow.