
Part of me doesn’t want to write much because it is a pain to transcribe this into the computer. But this is my major record of memories. After my camera.
The camera I totally expect not to have in the next few days. I am not trusting of the Italians, and our tour guide gave many warnings about pickpockets. I’m not even bringing my wallet into the city. And every night I will download all pictures from my camera to my iPod.
Thieving Gypsies.
If MontrĂ©al is littered with cathedrals, it doesn’t have anything on Rome. Ancient ruins are everywhere. You turn a corner and, chances are, there is a famous monument there. And they love to turn them into churches.
My favorite on our whirlwind tour of Roman ruins was the Pantheon. I loved the big globe ceiling. The Trevi fountain was also quite well done.
We also, briefly, snuck into the Vatican to take a picture of St. Peter’s Basilica. We will be back for more tomorrow when we will see the obvious sights.
I enjoyed the Crypt of the Capuchins. It is amazing what they can do with dead bodies these days.