Nice one

I took out six bicycles today. At least that is what I was told. I wasn’t paying attention. I was lying on the pavement trying to asses my current medical condition.
I was rollerblading with co-tourists on the promenade. There is a bike lane but it is only marked by paint on the road. I believe I was trying to go around a crowd of people and drifted into the bike lane, where I met a convoy coming the other way. I avoided the first but impacted the second. I saw my sunglasses fall under a car and the next thing I know I’m lying on the ground.
I was the only person to rent protective padding in our group.
My back looks the worst I’m told, but I barely feel that. Although it does look like there is a tire tread on it. My shoulder is sore from muscles being pulled the wrong way. A few knuckle scrapes, and otherwise fine. The bike riders looked mostly okay. One had a lip that was bleeding. They spoke French to themselves and ignored me. After awhile they moved on. We continued on ourselves to the end of the promenade and then back again.
I got up early today and went for a jog along the ocean. It was cool, but a few hours later you wouldn’t be able to say that. Then back to bed.
After the morning accident I had a crepe lunch. I think the restaurant owner thought I was American because I was overcharged 3.50 Euro for a small pitcher of tap water. Same as a bottle of Coke. Crepe Suzette was the main course and a citreon crepe was dessert. Lunch of champions.
In the afternoon, apart from doing laundry in the bathroom (with detergent this time) I went swimming. The water was nice, but choppy. It was hard to float and my shoulder was hurting. The beach was made of smooth rocks, so it wasn’t too pleasant to walk on. I still laid on it for half an hour.
Now off to Monaco.