It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it

I’m going to bed early again. (For a given value of early.) It’s nice to get up when it is still cool in the morning and go do stuff. Weather permitting. Hopefully water-skiing tomorrow.
I should sign up for scuba diving, but I’m still not sure of my health. You should not go diving if you have a stuffy nose. This morning I wasn’t sure, but at the end of the day I feel fine. I’m hoping it gets better, but I might have missed my chance if my nose gets worse.
And it has been a good day. After I wrote my last entry I went to the main bar and met a very nice girl. And I would like to think she is open to helping me not-doing-it-wrong. She was appreciative of a foot massage, although we found out she was a squealer. We would have probably stayed together except we both had things to do.
My excuse? Helping the beautiful girls change for the fashion show. Beautiful girls who have a good body image and don’t mind changing in front of stage hands.
I like this resort.
Oddly, I still don’t have a roommate. I’m not complaining, but it is weird. For once I don’t have to worry about having a snorer in my room.