Asking for help from friends

The problem with my resolutions this year is that they aren’t measurable. If I had had the goal to lose weight, you could check if I had or hadn’t. My resolutions this year are wide open to interpretation. The first one is somewhat measurable. I’ll leave it to my friends to tell me if I am loud or not. Simple.
The second one isn’t. I’m not even sure I wrote down something empirical at all. Just to not be so proud. How do you tell? Ideally I also have to leave this in the hands of my friends. Even then, it’s more of an internal struggle.
Since I’m asking for help from my friends anyway, there is something else I’ve been wanting from them for a long time. A favor, if you will. To help keep me more grounded, I would like any person who knows me to tell me one thing they like about me and one thing they dislike. I can use this information to try to stop doing what people dislike. (Unless I suppose they are a fundamental part of my being, such as running stupid distances.) I have the feeling that I’ve done stuff that annoys without having the slightest idea I’ve done it.
Don’t worry, you aren’t going to offend me.