Threat to my masculinity

I’m turning into a little girl.
It started innocently enough, as these things are wont to do. I came back from a vacation to find that my housesitter had left me the gift of a small Gund bear. I stuck it on a shelf, nominally calling it Winston.
Then my parents gave me their backup dog, an adorable stuffed husky. I set him next to my Nintendo with a tennis ball that he has guarded faithfully to this day.
On my trip to Disneyworld I grabbed a stuffed Disney character. I’m obviously embarrassed about this one because I’ve hidden him in my closet.
In Los Angeles I attended a Doctor Who convention. Since there is a lot of overlap in science-fiction fans I was able to buy a tribble. Painfully fun to abuse.
I now have four stuffed “animals” living in my place.

I’m not even counting the duck made out of hand towels that I nabbed from the hotel at Disneyworld.