
Gingerbread icosahedron
Originally uploaded by ad_havoc

The second batch of gingerbread was more fit for eating. But I don’t think it is fit for load-bearing. The burnt cookies did seem strong enough. Let’s face it though, I’m not planning on eating this. I want to build with them.
So, I continued with my plan and started construction. I made three sections of five triangles each, frosted them together and let them harden overnight. It seems to have worked. In the morning I attached two of them together with a few more pieces. Then in the afternoon, I finished it all. The last piece did not fit well and I had to use a knife to de-equilateralize the triangle. I don’t think it is even an isosceles triangle. But the beast is complete.
Now all I need to do is number it.
Unfortunately, the next D&D game isn’t until the new year. So it will be awhile before I can roll/destroy it.