Just a recap

This morning I learned something; If you don’t put the kneading blade in the bread machine, it doesn’t actually make bread. I was really hoping to have extra food in the form of fresh toast this morning because I’m pretty sure I didn’t eat enough last night.
Yesterday was busy. I did a 16km run, then an afternoon of playing D&D. But instead of eating dinner, I decided to go out and see Avatar. When I got back, all I had was a small frozen quesadilla. Not a proper dinner, but I expected I would get more calories in the morning.
The calories are a lie!
I’ve been exhausted lately. I’m trying to put more hours in at work to make myself look better. It has been easier because I have an interesting project. But it is nearly done. In its death throes though I am getting very frustrated with my computer. In any case, I get home late and I have no energy for anything more than TV or mindless internet trolling. Much less all the little projects I want to get to that make me happy.
It is also making me moody. I’m getting stupid thoughts again. I unfortunately unloaded a bunch of them on an old friend this evening. I really shouldn’t do that. No one wants to listen to a whiner.
Change of subject!
Avatar was a good movie. Tale as old as time. Completely predictable. But, that said, James Cameron is a fantastic storyteller. I was drawn in and had no complaints. It was probably as long as The Dark Knight but I didn’t feel exhausted at the end of Avatar. It was also my first 3D movie; that was a treat.