Aging badly

Something rather worrying has come up.
I like action movies, and science-fiction movies. I also like comedies occasionaly. Those are the movies I would most likely see if left completely to my own devices. (And that includes being free of those neurotic tics I’m full of.)
I do find it difficult to watch a movie on my own though. With other people around I have better peer pressure to keep watching. But if there is something happening in the movies that is upsetting, I start watching the clock for it to end. This usually comes up as characters being unbelievably stupid. Or the suspension of disbelief getting too hard to maintain.
Today I started watching The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. It is a long movie, so I only planned to watch half of it. But the darn thing was interesting and I wasn’t having any problem continuing to watch it. It’s a drama! I’m not supposed to like that. I’m supposed to like things with helicopters (or giant eagles) and explosions.
Getting old sucks.