A poor atitude

I really should be doing more work looking for a new job. I think part of it is that I don’t really believe I am unemployed. After so many years it feels unnatural. The last time I looked for a job was while I was still in university. There was another time I was looking, but a headhunter got me what would become my present job, so I didn’t feel as active in looking.
My friend describing an opportunity for iPhone development may have taken the edge off as well. The idea that I have this opportunity just waiting for me feels like a safety net I don’t really have. I should buckle down and get serious. But I am sort of looking forward to not having to work for awhile; an enforced vacation.
Not helping is that I’m trying to spring clean my home. Which means that I’m going through old piles of papers, sorting them and trying to figure out what to do with them. I just ran across all my documents from my European vacation two years ago. Hmmm. I have time now, and a nice severance…
Stop! That is the madness place!

What is the policy on keeping brochures from past vacations? Keep ’em as memories, or toss them as clutter?