What have I learned this weekend?

Two important things. Firstly, when I run quickly, nutrition is different than when I run slowly. For ultramarathon training, I can eat a lot of things and I’ll digest them without too much difficulty because I’m not abusing my stomach too much. Today, I ran quickly and when I tried a fruit leather (safe at a slow speed) my stomach went into rebellion. That affected the rest of the run. Still, I was faster, and I should work on being faster.
Secondly, Sophia Coppola needs to have her movie making license revoked. The last three films she made, I have not enjoyed, but I just saw Marie Antionette and it was painful. It makes Transformers 2 look deep. Nothing happened! And when something starts happening, the film ends. With some editing, that two hour movie could be cut down to twenty minutes. And there was never any reason to care about the title character. I would have gotten the same amount of satisfaction about watching the life of Paris Hilton before her first sex tape. It seemed to me to be an excuse for Kirsten Dunst to be treated like a princess for the time it took to film it. Please take your vacations on your own time.