A pleasant surprise

I finally took my car in to get repaired. When I had the accident, I promptly contacted my insurer and went to the recommended place near my work to get it estimated. I held off on actually getting it repaired because I figured I would wait until summer. Then I got laid off.
Since then, I’m not using my car that much. My insurance provides for me to have a rental car while I wait for repairs. But it sounds like a lot of trouble to drive across town to the service shop, then deal with rental agencies.
So, instead I asked to go to a non-recommended repair shop. I had to drive a bit to get a new estimation, but once that was done, I took it to Doug’s Place, which is a five minute walk from where I live. I figured that I could skip the rental and just live without a car for the few days they said it would take to do the servicing.
I dropped it off yesterday morning. Unfortunately, my career counselling service had a seminar downtown today that I wanted to attend. Without a car, I had to walk there. It was pleasant enough, and downtown is an interesting place to stroll about afterwards. But while I was there, I got a phone call from Doug’s Place.
My car was ready 26 hours after I had dropped it off. And when I picked it up, I got a gift certificate for $25 at a steak place. They even vacuumed the inside. I need to get into accidents more often! (Do bigger accidents mean bigger gift certificates?)
In other words, I’m very satisfied with the service at Doug’s Place.