Fashion photographer

I seemed to be reasonably functional today. What did I do? I ate breakfast right before it closed. I then sunned myself for half an hour. I would have gone longer but I was sweating so much I wasn’t sure my sunscreen was staying on. Plus the magazine I was reading wasn’t as thrilling as advertised. (Does The Economist advertise itself as thrilling?) I then went to the official pool party and hung out there for awhile.
At around three I helped a model do a fashion shoot. Originally I was just acting as shade for a professional photographer, but he had to leave to do another shoot. I then used my camera for the next two hours and got some great shots. She liked what I got, and she got the pictures immediately. With the professional she didn’t know when she would be able to get them.
By the time that was all done it was evening and I still haven’t had a lunch. The only real calories I’ve had this afternoon are three dirty bananas; they look like milkshakes.
Being introspective, I think the reason I’m feeling good today is that I gave myself permission to have fun. After all the talk of yesterday, I’m trying to be more outgoing and not try to be cool. Have fun. Don’t overthink. It seems to be working.