
I think I like my job. At least I do in comparison to my last one.
My previous employment wasn’t satisfying me. For the last year, I was working on a monolithic piece of software in a language I didn’t especially care for, Java. It was very big, and I never got a sense of what was going on in it. I was only fixing bugs, and they were so spread out that there was never any one piece that I got a sense of understanding. I never felt ownership.
Compare and contrast with my new job. I am still working on software that is very big, but I get to work in one area. It was written for a different company, and I don’t feel they were software developers at heart. But today, I felt ownership of their code. I did some research and some settings suddenly started making sense, and it just clicked. I felt a sense of accomplishment and that was sorely missed in the past.