40 Days and 40 Nights

The weather outside is sucky. So instead of being productive on this wasted long weekend, yesterday I decided to see the movie 40 Days and 40 Nights. I’ve been trying to rent more movies, so that the huge screen television I have isn’t such a waste. Since there are so many old releases that I haven’t seen, I decided to try tackling them alphabetically. I go to the video store, start with the top of the alphabet, and go until there is a movie I haven’t seen, but have at least a vague interest in seeing.
Since this movie started with a number, it was one of the first picks. It’s just a young male sex comedy, so I went in with low expectations. After seeing it, a few things bothered me about it. I’ll assume everyone reading this has already seen the movie, so spoiler will follow.
The movie was everything I expected. Surprisingly, the evil act that Nicole did near the end had no comeuppance. As near as I can tell, she profited from her maliciousness, with no consequences. That annoyed me. Although I should always appreciate when a Hollywood movie breaks from the stereotypes. It wasn’t until a few hours later that is suddenly dawned on me what had actually happened.
Nicole raped Matt.
I believe that courts recognize this as a possibility in this day and age. And yet no one talks about legal proceedings in this movie. It would be fairly easy to prove, because Nicole would have to admit it if she wanted to win the bet.
Other than that, it was a nice fantasy. I would love to live in Matt’s world where women will freely throw themselves at men. It was actually a little depressing for me when you compare this fantasy to ones life.