Running day sans KFC

I make no secret that on Wednesdays I go running with the Running Room run club. (Sorry, I couldn’t fit more “run”s in there.) So that’s what happened today. It was only -9, so it wasn’t too bad. I didn’t mind the sleet, but the real pain in the neck (legs) was the loose snow that covered everything. Running up a hill is not fun when you can’t trust that every step won’t take you forward the appropriate distance to the energy expended. (F=MV)
An interesting aspect of the Running Room that I go to, is that it is located right next door to a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant. So before and after every run there is the sweet scent of grease. I’m not being sarcastic. After a run, it smells really good. My problem is that I hate KFC. Every couple of years though, I forget that I hate it, so I go out and buy some. Then feel stupid for forgetting that I hate it. So far I’ve never gone to that KFC.
Good news on my condo. I finally complained to the right people about things that weren’t finished. So when I came home today I found doors fixed, lightbulbs installed and latches applied. But still there are those scrapes in the bathroom. Well, we’re making progress.