Don’t split the party

When I saw the movie, The Social Network, one of the more interesting ideas I saw in it was in the first fifteen minutes. While Mark Zuckerberg was doing a programming project of his own, he was writing his thought processes out into a blog as he was doing it. Lots of little post, but each revealing a problem and how he was solving it.
I should do something like that.
The hope is that by writing things down, I will have to describe the problem clearly. Frequently, just describing an issue to someone, who doesn’t even have to understand it, has helped in solving the problem. Hopefully it will also help in the what-was-I-smoking-when-I-wrote-this syndrome that inevitably hits. But that should be more the purview of comments in the code.
I already have a personal blog, you are possibly reading it right now, but that doesn’t seem to be the best forum for what I’m looking for. That is for, well, personal stuff. This should be something more for technical issues. I’ve done a few posts like that in my personal blog, so I’m thinking of moving them to the technical blog.
My web hosting company has made it fairly easy to install a WordPress site, so why shouldn’t I do this? I’ve often thought of moving my personal blog to be hosted on my website via WordPress, but WordPress doesn’t allow me to filter the content so that only certain categories of people can read certain entries. There are just some things mothers shouldn’t know.