The other night I woke up at around 5:00 AM to the sound of something crashing. Being in the usual state of delirious all I did to check was to make sure my front door was still locked. I tried to go back to sleep, but the best I did was a crude approximation of pretending to be asleep. It was the next day, in the evening, right before I was going to bed, that I found out what it was.
My plant made a break for it.
I have a spider plant. It has a nice ledge next to the TV, near the window. I water it when I remember, so I can understand if it is a little cranky. Being the plant that it is, it sends out a lot of feelers that droop over the edge. There are quite a few of these, and apparently, it had put enough of itself over the edge to actually shift the center of gravity over it.
So there on the floor was my plant, somewhat spread out, but still intact. I gave it some water and set it in the kitchen, then went to bed. A true clean up would have to wait.
What concerns me the most is that it took me so long to notice. Am I in my condo so little that I can’t notice a not-insignificant potted plant splayed out on the floor next to the TV. Do I need to watch more TV?