Past few days

It has been an eventful past few days, but I haven’t had time to update this. For instance, on Thursday, when I should have been getting things ready for a costume for Friday, I went to see a play: Blood Sympathy. A very pleasant vampire story. I had been thinking of doing the cat costume, but it takes so long to get that ready, that I decided to sleep in and just slap on a goth costume.
Of course I didn’t win any prizes for costume at work, but I’ve won the past two years. I didn’t think I should win. And I finally saw “An American Werewolf in London” using state-of-the-art early eighties special effects. Not scary at all.
On Friday evening I did nothing productive. I didn’t even go out.
On Saturday I went and looked at some digital cameras. I have one already, but it is using the moral equivalent of Betamax in storage media. So that media is getting expensive. And I figure that I should check some out for my vacation. If I’m an evil person, after the vacation, I’ll return it to Best Buy. God bless their 30 day return policy.