It’s the anniversary of my LiveJournal. I started this thing exactly one year ago. Mostly it has been a forum of my complaints against the world, and general depressions. I keep trying to stop doing that, and only write about interesting things, but I’m obviously failing. I seem to have been pretty out of it yesterday.
I’m feeling better today. I went to my friend, Michael’s, who was having an informal party. I played some games of team Pac-man (three people control ghosts, one controls the yellow mouth). The event just ended with two games of Sorry! Getting out and socializing makes me feel better for not doing anything yesterday.
The last two years for New Year’s Day, I did the “Resolution Run”. 5km, a pancake breakfast and an extra gift. Two years ago, the extra gift was a very nice gym bag. Last year it was a heart-rate monitor. This year is was a travel bag. Someone pointed out to me that you can run 5km anywhere, a pancake breakfast is cheap, and I don’t need a bag. So I save the $40 and didn’t go. It was nice and warm inside. Not -20 degrees celsius.
I hope everyone reading this had a happy new year.