Past lives

Walking home just now I saw a car clearly marked as the Edmonton Parking Patrol. Remarkably, it looked in perfect condition, with no vandalization.
I just came back from a party for Ollie who was having a 60th birthday today. (It’s my mother’s birthday too, but she is in Winnipeg, so a little hard to go there to celebrate.) The party was a dinner at Von’s steakhouse. A nice place, but awfully pricey for what you get. Don’t get me wrong, the food is good, but still overpriced. Most of the people there were runners, so running was a common subject of conversation.
There is a runner, Jason, who is just about a year younger than me. He is always out doing stuff, and is constantly active. Of all the people I know, he is the most likely to have gone out and done exciting stuff for New Year’s Eve. And he did. He even mentioned all the phone numbers he got too.
I’m jealous of him. He has confidence and actually knows how to get phone numbers from women. Me? I’m at home right now filling out a journal entry. Insecure. The one time I did ask for a phone number, she never showed up for a meeting.
I was trying to clean up my computer earlier today. So I was going through a bunch of old files and seeing what I should keep, and which I should still file. I ran across a letter I wrote to Allyson. I haven’t seen her for ten years, but I really liked her. We seemed to have similar interests and I would have loved to gotten to know her better. But she moved off to Vancouver, and I haven’t heard anything from her since. I’m nagged by regrets every so often. Things I wish I should have done. She was at my commencement, graduating at the same time, but I didn’t know and didn’t stick around. The one time I sucked up enough to ask her out to a movie was right before her departure, and she had already seen the movie. I wonder what she’s been doing in the past ten years, but I can’t contact her. I’ve checked on the internet occasionally to see if I can find her contact information, but there is nothing.
Probably for the best. She’s most likely married with children by now.