
I’m writing this entry on February 8th, because I’ve been too busy to actually enter anything here. On Tuesday I was asked when a project I was working on would be done. I said it would be on Friday. Since then I found that the devil is in the details. Each little part of this is taking longer than expected. So I was behind schedule, but only by one or two days. Then on Thursday I found out that the “powers that be” decided that Monday would be a good day to release. I worked late on Thursday to try and catch up. I’m sure you can tell what is going to happen based off of when I’m posting this.
I got around to signing up for an Edmonton Date Night. i.e. Speed dating. The event is going to take place on Valentine’s day. It seemed appropriate. It beats my usual plan of going to an Italian restaurant and watching/glaring the happy couples. 🙂 I’m not sure I can attend because the Edmonton Journal event is taking place at the same time, but if they do decide they want me for that, I can cancel this event.
I also mentioned my interest in an event where the men had to be six feet tall. The person who took my appointment said that there were gorgeous women signing up for it, but not enough men. This sounds interesting.
I still have to catch up on the other LiveJournal entries, but right now I’m exhausted. I would put Tired as my current mood, but that isn’t correct for when this entry is supposed to take place. So I’ll leave it blank.