In other news, I’m having a few financial concerns pop up. In my mad rush to kill my mortgage, I’ve been neglecting my RRSPs. So I’m going to try to do it at the last minute once again. So saving as much money as possible is becoming a concern. If I can make it to February 6th without making major purchases, I’ll be good. Why? Because after that day, my credit card purchases fall to the next billing cycle, and it will be a concern in March. After RRSP season.
That shouldn’t be too hard?
Well, right on schedule, my runners are getting expired. A good pair of runners are good for 500km, and with the long runs adding up, I’m starting to feel them wearing out. So I need to buy new ones. But there are two long runs between now and February 6th. I don’t want to get injured by running in bad shoes.
Also, the Jamaican vacation I took last November is having a deal. If I put a deposit down, it will be slightly cheaper for this year. Do I want to go again? I’m apparently not going to Europe, so I do need to take a vacation. But I have only until February 1st to decide. And the deposit is in US funds, so the exchange rate is getting worse every day.
Speaking of mortgages, I finally contacted the BMO ombudsman. I think things are starting up again, and I should get a statement sometime next week.