Pain in the knee

On Saturday I have a big race. Well, it isn’t big, but it is long. I haven’t had a good run in four weeks. I had a pain in the side of my knee that made running risky. I took a week off, and it got better, but after 8km of running it was back. Now I haven’t run for three weeks. So hopefully I will have healed enough.
To help it along I have been getting physical therapy and frequent massages. I also tried out a new physical therapist at River Valley Health. There they are more specialized for runners. They noticed that there were some important muscles that were very weak, so I have to do some exercises for them.
They also gave a quick review of what to watch for when I run. Most importantly, I need to keep my hips level. To demonstrate what not to do they did a movement that looked straight out of a salsa dance.
I have a wedding to attend tomorrow. How will this affect that? Will I be able to do the Funky Chicken?