Condo Watch

I’ve arrived at the airport. I’m through security and now I’m just waiting to board.
I don’t know if I’m ready for this. I’m pretty sure I woke up screaming this morning. Am I forgetting anything?
Hopefully my condo will still be standing when I get back. I’ve got people coming in while I’m gone. People I trust not to throw wild parties.
The plan is to water my plants. There are three of them, two on the deck and one in the computer room. The computer room one has an automatic acting system, so it should be good, but I don’t know if it waters enough. On the deck there is the hops which seems to want gallons of water. And then there is the large pot that has a lot of dead plants in it, but still has some oregano that I hope survives. I’ve been using my kettle to do the watering. Checking the mail would also be nice.
In exchange for these services, I’m letting someone use it to prepare for her wedding which will be at the church next door. And in addition, other friends get to borrow the car. The car is nearly out of gas, so I’m not that nice.
If I’m sounding rather specific about trivialities that no one should care about, it is because I’m hoping this serves as a reminder/instructions to my friends.
Thank you.