
I arrived in the rain and got to the hostel. They wouldn’t let me in until after five, so I had time to kill. I spent a bit of time using their Internet. I had to pay for it, but I think a week of Internet is worth it for the convenience. They also gave me a free bus pass for the entire week, so I used it to get into Chamonix.
I tried to get my race package, but was informed that I need to have my backpack and other supplies with me. Those were still at my hostel, which had locked them up, so I’ll have to do it tomorrow. In the meantime I checked out the expo.
There were a lot of vendors. A surprisingly large number were advertising other ultras around the world. I guess if you are looking for a demographic of stupid people, you’re in the right place. I got a lot of souvenirs for myself, because I was told to come back to Canada looking “like Mont Blanc threw up on [me].” Mission accomplished.
I don’t think I’m too concerned about the conditions here. I found it quite refreshing with the rain, and I wasn’t as cold as the locals. They even commented as such. But I now have a lot more supplies in case they want me to overheat. (They sound like my mother, who thinks I’m never wearing enough even if I feel fine. I wonder if that’s a European thing?)
Now I’m back at my hostel. I’ve been waiting 45 minutes for the line to check in to die down. Looks like I’m up.