Home Again Safely

My flight from Frankfurt to Calgary was long. I think it was nine hours. I did not sleep along the way. Instead I watched movies. I think I saw a total of four of them. By the time I got home they had blurred together and I could barely remember what I had seen. But, hey, free movies. (Free, if you don’t look too closely at the price of airfare.)
I fell asleep for most of the flight from Calgary to Edmonton. The airport shuttle seems to get more expensive every time I use it. I rented movies from the video store before I even got home. My plants were all alive, thanks to friend Rem. It was wonderful to sleep in my own bed.
My seat neighbour from Frankfurt was interesting. She was travelling to Canada to be a model in an ad campaign. A German company that sells panniers for mountain bicycles, to Europeans, had decided to have their ads feature the Rocky Mountains. Apparently the Canadian mountains are better for photography%