You Kids Get Off My Lawn!

I’m out of practice with my Blog. All the entries I’ve done for the past couple of months have been about insane races I’ve done. Even if I try and spread it out, it probably doesn’t interest most people. And it is just the reporting of facts. I need to get back to my thoughts.
I’ve been feeling old lately. I suppose it is inevitable with my 40th birthday coming up in November, but really, I’ve forgotten that is happening. I’m more noticing the physical effects.
Oddly, the big physical effects are the ones I least associate with oldness. Broken toe, twisted ankle, poor knee. Those are all results of ultramarathons, so I can ignore them.
There was a video I saw yesterday about How Old Are Your Ears?. My ears are right on target for hearing loss.
But, more of a bigger threat, I think I’ve noticed that I don’t seem to enjoy learning as much. I enjoy figuring things out, but a lot of what I’m doing at work is trying to learn how to program a new operating system. It is not an operating system I personally use, but I have to learn it and make software for it. I haven’t been enjoying it.
What I seem to like doing is figuring out how to use the tools I already know to solve problems. But I noticed that the tool I want to use, JavaScript, I only really learned less than a year ago. But now that I have, I want to use it solve problems.
So, hopefully once I learn this new operating system, I’ll be happy. But until then, I don’t feel especially challenged. Or that might be the problem; I’m not challenged. I’m just learning, not solving.
Hopefully recognizing the problem will put me on the path to solving it.