Silence Implies Consent

I think more people need to take responsibility for the teaching of Creationism.
I read an article today about the places that still teach it. It is criminal that this is still being taught as science. Go teach it as religion, and I don’t have a problem. Teach it as fact, and you devalue all of science.
But, I think the blame for this can be spread further to include universities. Now, I don’t think any credible universities are teaching this pseudo-science. But their silence implies consent. Why do they accept students from Tennessee and Louisiana?
For example, how would it look to those states if Harvard suddenly said that they will no longer accept Biology or Medical students from there. Their education is substandard and therefore they cannot be trusted to know the fundamentals.
This is a real world consequence for playing fast and loose with science. There are probably many parents that don’t care that their little angel is being taught Creationism. But how do you think they would react if they found out that their little butterfly is now cut off from being a doctor? Do you think they would continue to elect politicians who are pandering to the religious and the expense of their child’s future.
Wait, don’t answer that.

True, that is just one university. A utopian example. But if any university did it, people would notice. It would make the news, and other universities might join in the boycott.