Lent Report

It has been awhile, but I suppose I should give a report on Lent.
It went terribly.
Once I went to Houston for the short vacation I totally lost all hope of meeting my goals. When I returned, I had a new job. On top of all the stress that that entails, i also had a total of an hour of commuting each day. I am exhausted when I come home, and I barely have the energy to feed myself, much less try and become a better person. It is worth it; I like my new job much better and my coworkers are great.
But Lent went poorly. And even a previous pledge of self-improvement that I had started on my birthday fell to the wayside. I am now going to try and re-pledge that for my half-birthday that was yesterday.
I have found it is easier to give something up than to try and add more to your life. But I think that was the initial idea of Lent; give up something. The ancient people were smarter than me.