Exhaustion vs. Eating

For the past while I have been feeling exhausted all the time. I’ve been assuming it is because I have a newer job and now have to commute for longer than I used to. I have also over-scheduled myself in other respects. Free time is something that happens to other people.
But I am now wondering if there is something else at work.
I have had odd dining habits for a long time. I say I eat when I’m hungry, but I think I may have just broken my hunger signals. This has led me to making dinner after eight and eating by nine. Maybe I’m just running our of fuel.
This unhappy state of affairs happens when I come home tired. My first instinct is not to feed myself, but to relax for awhile. I then proceed to waste far too much time browsing internet sites I’m not that interested in. Eventually, hunger strikes and I force myself to get food in my system. By then it is too late. Any energy I get from eating will not hit my system until too late. So I spend every evening tired and probably in some weird feedback loop that is keeping me tired.
I’m going to try and force myself to eat earlier now.