Bad Dating Service

Back in 2008, I tried the dating service “It’s Just Lunch”. They would do research and set me up with compatible women and then I could meet them for lunch, or drinks after work. It cost me about $1000 and in that time they set me up with about 14 women. Towards the end, it felt like they weren’t even trying. The women did not meet a lot of my requirements. So I did not have a good opinion of the company. They even closed down the Edmonton office, so I was being matched by someone in Florida who had never met any of the people she was matching.
They tried a couple years later to get me to sign back up with the excuse that they now knew me better and I would have better matches. If they hadn’t figured that out after 14 matches, I didn’t think they would with another 14? And it is not cheap!
Last week they started trying to contact me again. I figured I would give them a chance to do their spiel and then politely decline. But they had a new strategy this time; ask me to update my profile. Really, you want me to talk about myself? Sold!
But after that, the hard sell came. They had two women they think I would be perfect for. And their limited time deal for $200 would let me meet those two (and probably only those two.) When I asked to think about it, they actually got mean. They pointed out I’m getting old, so I can’t afford to wait.
That left a sour taste in my mouth. And actually caused me to get depressed. Very depressed. With money being tight, I decided I was leaning towards “No” and told them so. Maybe I might go for it, after talking with my friends that evening. That gave them the interesting tactic that I shouldn’t depend on friends for this important decision, because they may not care enough about my interests. According to that logic, I should go with my default “No”.
In any case, I was in a bad funk for awhile. I think I’m better now. It also helps that I’ve read about a lawsuit against the company.
I made the right decision.