Calm Before the Storm

In about 12 hours I start the last ultra of the season, the Iron Horse 100 miler. I am disturbingly calm about this. Usually before an ultra there is some level of panic. Am I too confident? Let’s face it, 160 km is a long distance. It’s never easy. But there are no mountains and only one place where here is a chance of me getting wet. Unless I fall into the North Saskatchewan on leg five.
I’ve done this race before. I’m hoping to break 24 hours this time. I think I can do it. The key will be to eat continually and not get injured. I’ve got a good plan for the former. Unfortunately, I’ve already lost on the latter.
On Tuesday I may have over-strained myself moving my computer desk back into position. I felt fine on Wednesday. But Thursday I was in pain and had trouble bending. It’s better today, and I’m hoping it will be gone tomorrow.
The most interesting part of this injury is that on Thursday, my bladder was shrunk; if I drank any water I had to go to the bathroom for more than I drank. The last time that happened was a year ago, on leg 8 of this same ultra. That feels ominous.
Was the above too graphic? Maybe I should have left that out…

I’m going to sleep now.