Injured Again

A week ago, on Wednesday, I went for a run in Vibram FiveFingers. I’ve done it before without too much trouble. This time I may have done a small sprint during it, but nothing major. At the end, my left heel hurt a bit. I figured it would go away after awhile.
It didn’t.
Over the next few days, the pain continued. By Monday it was getting worse, with my friendly proactive bodyguard insisting I see a doctor. I did that today.
Her diagnosis was that I hadn’t broken a bone. (Yay!) More likely I had inflammation of the fat pad surrounding my calcaneus bone . (Boo!) Which only means I am off running for a couple of weeks. Ice and anti-inflammatories should hopefully help.
Hopefully I can use this extra time to be productive. No promises. I’ve already over scheduled myself this weekend to volunteer at an ultra.