Second day in Costa Rica

Or is it the third. Hard to tell. I got my final luggage, so it helped me relax.

Yesterday was slow because I was exhausted. The resort here is small, but I know everybody who is here. We’ve taken it over. The beach is across the street, but it looks ominously threatening with the big waves and threat of riptide. I went at about 1:30 in the morning with a friend to look at it. She lost her (non smart) phone in the waves where it quickly disappeared. It may look nicer in the sun. 

I did a lot of drinking yesterday, but it wasn’t great. Too much responsibility needed to drink water to stay hydrated. After awhile you get sick of water, but you need to keep drinking it so that you don’t feel sick the next day. Drinking may be more trouble than it’s worth.

Tonight I have volunteered to be part of a stage show. I wonder if I will be able to eat dinner, or will I be too busy getting ready. 

2015-10-18 13:40