Today we had the Corporate Challenge Power Pull competition. Basically from Noon until 4:00 PM I went through a total of five tug-o-war events. We easily left our poll, beating everyone in the three pulls. The next pull we lost, but to the eventual gold medal finalist. We then won the bronze in our last round. Looking at the gold medal competition, I think we could have taken the winners of the silver medal.
After the Power Pull, there was the scavenger hunt tally. We had almost all of the items that were needed. But, there was a variable point prize: See how many people you can get into a human pyramid and get that many points. But their definition of a pyramid was really lousy: At least three rows high, with one less person on each row. So you could have twenty people on the bottom, nineteen in the middle, and eighteen on top, and you would qualify as a pyramid (not a trapezoid?) worth 57 points. No one was that bad, but a company that beat us had twenty one people in their pyramid. My company could only scrounge up 12 people. Still, we got bronze.
When I got home, I gave cute girl a call. She was busy with groceries, but she proposed taking my number and calling back later. So now the ball is in her court. If she is interested in me, she can call and we can do something. Otherwise, it wasn’t meant to be. The only problem is that a man answered the phone first. That can’t be good.
Wait and see.