Watch Me Now

There was a good article about surprisingly sexist origins of everyday things on Cracked. The point that drew my interest was about wristwatches. #4.
To summarize, wristwatches were initially thought of as “girly” because they were like bracelets. Men would instead use a manly pocket watch. Then “The Great War” came along, and wristwatches found their niche. Pocket watches were too cumbersome in that environment, and a hands-free device was much more useful.
Now I feel justified in my love of my wristwatch. If you know me, you know I will get uncomfortable if I am separated from it for too long. Everyone else around me keeps saying they use their cellphone to tell the time. That is just an update of the pocket watch, except without the convenience of a chain to keep it on your person. Although I will admit they are referred to as an electronic leash, so I may be a bit weak on that point in my argument. Mind you, I think a lot of people with cracked screens would prefer if their cell phone had been on a chain.
Now I just have to convince people that I am preparing for a land invasion of France and I will reclaim what I laughably refer to as my “coolness”.