Lent Notes

I gave up buying candy for Lent, but since I still have such a stash it hasn’t slowed my actual consumption. However, there have been other effects.

I drastically cut down my consumption of pop a year ago. It is probably healthy for me. I have contented myself to just having my daily hot chocolate at work. Then I made the mistake of looking at the nutrition information. If I have two hot chocolates, it is the same as one can of Coke. Actually reading the nutritional information of any product can scare you with the amount of sugar. So, I have found myself stopping having a hot chocolate in the afternoon.

And the weird thing is that I can feel the difference. After lunch I start craving something. I can ignore it, but it is definitely there. So apparently I have a sugar addiction. I don’t feel any healthier from my self-denial. For all I know I’m crankier.

For Friday lunch I usually buy something from the bistro next door, along with a dessert. By dinner, yesterday, I was accused of being wired. So maybe that brownie is affecting me more.