Running as a Social Activity

I stopped going to the Running Room in Edmonton because I did not like their running club. It used to be good, but wasn’t anymore. On Wednesday evenings they were always doing hill training, and I just wanted to go for a run. On Sundays, they always had the same route and I was getting sick of it. So I joined United Cycle and had a much better time there.
However, there is no United Cycle in Vancouver. So I have to go back to the Running Room and progress from there. I was hoping it would be different, but it isn’t turning out that way. The Running Room near Stanley Park did not have a organized run today. Instead, they had people doing speed work, which involves doing a loop several times, quickly. That is not what I am looking for when I want to go out for an enjoyable run.
So I ran by myself, getting somewhat lost in Stanley Park. It was nice enough and I had a good time. But I worry that I am hurting myself. I should get off my high horse and run with other people, even if I don’t like the run itself. Otherwise, how am I going to meet new people and make friends?