Third Beach

The day after the lovely mountain hike, we went for a walk to Stanley park. And here is where I got to do something that I couldn’t do in Edmonton: We went to the beach. By foot.
Of course, on a beautiful holiday Monday, the beach was packed with people. Fortunately, it was Third Beach, the furthest from downtown. So, it was possible to get a small patch of beach to put our stuff. Then I did my standard practice of changing under a towel, and I was ready.
The water was cold, but not nearly as cold as the lake the previous day. My feet did not go numb. And after awhile, I got used to it enough that I could actually go swimming.
Really, this beach was better than some I’ve gone to in the Caribbean. It was sandy, and there weren’t sharp rocks in the water. It wasn’t as warm as a tropical beach, but I’m Canadian and that doesn’t bother me.
I will see if I can go again. I’m also intrigued by “Wreck Beach” which I’m told has more privacy.