
Five weeks ago they started putting Suduko into the Edmonton Journal. I promptly became addicted. It’s a nice logic puzzle. What I particularly like is that one doesn’t need to see the answer to see if it was completed correctly. You can go through all the iterations and check it yourself to see that you’ve put the numbers in the correct spot. It’s actually rare for me to check the solution.
They are arranged in difficulty from one to five. The first time a difficulty five one was printed, I completed it faster than the last difficulty four one. That was an anomaly. Since then, the difficulty five ones have been brain busters and I have fallen back on occasion to the BFS method. Brute force and Stupidity. Last Tuesday it took all evening to finish it. Time I could have spent being productive, instead of solving puzzles.
I didn’t spend long on yesterday’s difficulty five puzzle, and it was still incomplete when I went to bed. Fortunately when I woke up I was inspired and was able to spend about ten minutes to finish it. So my record remains intact. There hasn’t been one yet that I haven’t solved.
I guess I’ve found a new hobby.