Bowling update

So the company went bowling today. I was on the worst team. I can’t complain though, the teams were made randomly and I wound up on a team with nobody who was very good at bowling. Interestingly, everyone else had a name starting with “Ma”. I called the team “Erik and the Mas”. It was just five pin bowling. On the first round I got 108, then 113, and finally 127. Daunting when the best bowler I saw got 234.
I didn’t go running today. I didn’t even pretend by going to the gym. This is the only time I have to make an adventure for Friday night’s D&D game. I’m hoping to stall the players with monsters. But I feel obligated to come up with a history to the desert so that I can give better encounters with some substance behind them. So I have to get back to work now.