Second Day of Work

Another day of work; I had such a nice experience I decided to go again.
I did get to say “Bless you” to the only other person in the cubicle room when he sneezed. I was somewhat known for that back in Vancouver. However, I did not enjoy that the person continued to sneeze and was sniffling and blowing his nose a lot too. I started wearing a mask while I was at my desk.
In the evening, I did a different run. There is a large park next to town that leads all the way to Mount Diablo. I wasn’t going that far, but it was a nice change from continuing to get CityStrides streets. (After three days, I’ve covered 3.4% of town and am currently at 13th place for coverage of Walnut Creek.)
This was a slow run as it was more hilly than the city streets. I went to Mini-rock city, which sounds more impressive than it actually is. It was just some rocks jutting out of the ground, one weathered more interestingly than most.
Written 2023-5-11 10:51