Front door delivery

If you have home… er, condo delivery of the newspaper, there is a daily routine you go through. (At least I do.) You get up, go to the front door, get the newspaper and read it over breakfast.
Note that I never actually said that part of that process was “getting dressed”.
It adds a little excitement to the morning ritual to open the door, baring pretty much everything to the world, and hope that no one is wandering past your door. Be quick about it, and don’t lean to far out because you might notice that there was someone at the far end of the hall.
If I was more on the ball, I would check through the spyhole in the front door before risking the wrath of any decency squad. But the morning is when one is the epitome of lazy.
Last weekend there was that moment of danger. I open the door, hear someone coming down the hall, and quickly close it again. I’m sure I am not fooling the guy walking past. He probably knows exactly what is going on. Why else would someone open the door and then immediately shut it.
I bring this up, because this morning, while I was leaving my condo, the door across the hall, with a newspaper in front of it, briefly opened and then quickly shut.
What could I do, but say “Good morning” and walk down the hallway.
Don’t look back.