In the air

The inflight movie for this leg was The Island. It was good. I do wonder if Steve Buscemi is fated to die in every movie he’s in.

For the past week I’ve been fighting a cold. I’m pumping myself full of vitamins and trying to get sleep. The latter hasn’t really been working out. I think I’ve gotten an hour’s sleep since I woke up yesterday morning, and that hour was a fake sleep.

I’m hoping I can keep this sickness as minimal as possible. You can’t go scuba diving with congestion. And sniffling doesn’t make a good impression with unattached women. But it’s only a feeling of phlegm in the back of the throat. So I think it isn’t obvious.

It’s been going up and down for awhile. I found a can of coke in a high altitude plane seemed to leave me in the best state.