Grey Cup?

I went to an Improv jam session today at 7:00. If I was a good Edmontonian I would have watched the Grey Cup. But I have never watched or participated in an organized sport, so why should I start now. I do enjoy listening to people discuss sports, and I can keep up part of a debate by regurgitating what I have heard from others.
The jam ended at 9:00. I asked if anyone knew the score while we were leaving. Someone said that when he had left his car to come, there were four minutes left in the game and Montreal was ahead by five points. Oh well, I guess Edmonton lost.
While driving home along Whyte avenue I heard car horns honking. My first reaction was that an ambulance I couldn’t see was trying to get through. Then I noticed that there were a lot more police patrolling the strip than usual. That’s when I started to suspect something else. When I got to the Gateway Boulevard crossing and saw people waving flags, I figured that Edmonton came from behind to win.
But I still don’t know the final score.